<font face="trebuchet, tahoma, arial, helv, helvetica" size="2"> <center><p><font size="+2">bAd StiNkY MoNKeY!</font></p></center> <p>If you're not on IE 4+, Netscape 6, or the newest Mosaic you need to upgrade BAD! Your browzer sux & you probably do too! Go upgrade & come back when you want a banana. <br>This site has been configured for 800x600. Any other setting and you ruin my whole concept. You Bad Stinky Monkey!!</p> <center><p><font size="+2">&iexcl; W&#226;NnA &nbsp;&nbsp;&cent;h0Ke &#165;oU w&#239;TH &Aring; &pound;eMoN In y&#216;uR MOutH!!!</font></p></center> </font>